Receta y calorias - Teriyaki sauce




Nombre Proteina Hidratos Grasas Calorias Peso (g) Calorias totales Opciones
Soy sauce, reduced sodium, made from hydrolyzed vegetable protein 8.2 14.4 0.3 90 130 117 Ver 
Sugars, brown 0.1 98.1 0 380 45 171 Ver 
Cornstarch 0.3 91.3 0.1 381 10 38 Ver 
Beverages, fruit-flavored drink, powder, with high vitamin C with other added vitamins, low calorie 0.3 91 0.2 227 70 159 Ver 
Alcoholic beverage, rice (sake) 0.5 5 0 134 60 80 Ver 
Total (sin cocinar) 11 139 0 565 315 565
Por 100g 3 44 0 179 100 179
Total (cocinado) 11 139 0 565 160 565
Por 100g 7 87 0 353 100 353
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